
A Letter to my Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister,

I wanted to write this open letter to you yesterday but couldn’t allow myself to logically put down in words the emotional, mental and physical hurt of the events of February 14th. As I got ready this morning, I silently cursed myself for not responsibly expressing my feelings. Just then, I heard the cries of a child on the TV, who had lost his father in the event.

A TV channel was showing the anguish of the 40 families, villages and communities who had lost their sons. I didn’t even realise when the tears started flowing from my eyes. That’s when I resolved to write this letter, even if it was a day late.

As I write, I can barely see the screen through my watery eyes, but I demand from you, who promised to protect us from the perpetrators of such violence, to whom I gave my vote in 2014, a vengeance. Vengeance for the blood of our soldiers, who were killed in a cold blooded murder by people and organisations that claim to be of a higher god, people who represent one of the largest religions in the world (which they don’t) but are actually just petty terrorists without any religion and humanity. They need to be crushed for the petty cockroaches that they are!

For all their claims of bravery and sacrifice, these terrorists don’t even have the courage to face my slain brothers face to face. Instead, they choose the cowardly option of attacking when my soldiers were not ready. They knew very well that they did not stand a chance in a hand to hand combat, and hence adopted such pathetic measures.

These terrorists are not deserving of any mercy, trial, diplomacy or compassion. All of these have been tried in the past and met with the loss of even more blood of our men. This cannot continue.

Neither can there be a continuance of restraint afforded to the nations that directly or indirectly shelter these people, their intent and their organisations. They are as culpable of this murder as the people that carried it out.

You have promised independence for our armed forces but I also expect that you will not restrain them for completely defeating the enemy like the Prime Minister did in 1971. You have to allow our forces to deliver an answer that does not leave anyone behind, even to listen to it. I demand from you the restoration of the faith that our democracy, armed forces and judiciary has placed in you. I believe you will not disappoint us.

And if you feel that there isn’t enough blood available to support the country and the forces, you can start by taking mine.

Jai hind, Mr Prime Minister.

Anirudh A Damani

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