Why Choose Om Ziptex as a Retailer or Wholesaler:

Versatile Range

Our comprehensive lineup of zippers is tailored to meet the specific needs of small retailers and wholesalers. From trendy metal zippers to versatile plastic and durable nylon options, we provide solutions that resonate with your target market.

Quick Turnaround

We understand that time is of the essence in your business. Om Ziptex prides itself on rapid order processing, ensuring you receive your zippers promptly, whether you're restocking shelves or fulfilling wholesale orders.

Competitive Pricing

Craftsmanship & Innovation: We take pride in crafting high-quality zippers with precision and innovation.

Your success hinges on balancing cost and quality. Om Ziptex offers competitive pricing that empowers you to offer cost-effective products while maintaining your margins.

Responsive Support

Our dedicated customer support team is available to assist you at every step. We are committed to ensuring your partnership with Om Ziptex is productive and stress-free.


What sets Om Ziptex apart is our commitment to your growth. We offer innovative fastening solutions and collaborative support to ensure your business thrives in a competitive market.

Empower Your Business

Om Ziptex is more than a supplier; we are your ally in business growth. Whether you're a small retailer seeking to diversify your product offerings or a wholesaler serving a diverse customer base, we provide the fastening solutions you need to elevate your business.