Insurance Journey made fast & clear!

Get independent Product ratings, recommendations and answer to all your questions with Bima Pilot. No Insurance sales! Be aware, don’t be a victim of false promises!

What we do

As consumer awareness platform, we empower you to make independent product purchase decision and make all the resources available to you!

Product purchase assistance

Know all about products and coverages. Check the independent product rating before buying Insurance from anywhere! Still need help? Book a Consultation

Claims Assistance

Is your claim stuck and getting delayed? Know the most commonly made claims mistakes and mis understandings while making a claim. Check out the resources or ask any question. Need detailed help? Book a consultation

Product purchase assistance

Is your claim rejected or you were mis-sold a policy. Know your rights and find out about all the resources and support available to you through regulator, ombudsman etc. Still need help? Book a consultation

Why should you checkout Bima Pilot
By now you know the benefits of connecting with Bima Pilot to know all about Insurance. Before you purchase Insurance explore Bima Pilot and;
  • Insurance simplified for you
  • Product rating and review
  • Chat support for additional queries
  • Claims support
Assistance you can count on
Assistance you can count on
No Sales

We don’t sell Insurance to you directly or through any advisors.

No Spam

Bima Pilot is spam free. We wont call you or nag you to for anything!


We make all knowledge and resources available to you on this platform. If you still need a one-on-one discussion, we charge you nominal fees for the same. We do not charge any success fees or percentage of your claim amount!

It’s independent

We are here only to create insurance awareness, not to sell or create any company valuations. Information shared on this portal and Bima Pilot ratings are independent and transparent.

“Our mission is that you get all your answers from our website only and you never have to ask for other questions, however if you must have detailed discussion, you can book one on one discussion with us”
Complete Insurance Advisory (Individual)

Complete insurance advisory, Product Recommendations, unlimited e assistance

Complete Insurance Advisory (Individual)
Complete Insurance Advisory (Start Ups & Small Businesses)

Complete insurance advisory, Product Recommendations, unlimited e assistance...

Complete Insurance Advisory (Start Ups & Small Businesses)
Claims Assistance & Advisory

Claims form filling and documentation assistance, review of claim settlement and deduction....

Claims Assistance & Advisory
Annual Package

Complete insurance advisory, claims assistance, dedicted insurance product manager...

Annual Package
Frequently asked questions
Bima Pilot is Consumer awareness and education platform. We simplify Insurance, rate Products and create awareness. That’s all!
We don’t sell Insurance in any form. Directly or indirectly.